Exchange & Returns
2. If you wish to return or exchange your order, please contact our Customer Service Support ( within 14 days of receiving your order in order to receive all the details for the return/exchange. Returns or exchanges made past this stipulated period of time will not be accepted. Returns/ exchanges received at the given address past 14 days will not be accepted and will be returned to your address.
3. The customer can return if the item(s) is (are) defective within the period of time mentioned.
4. The customer can return the ordered product(s), under the following conditions:
A. The product(s) have not been used (The Gonçalo Peixoto brand reserves the right to refuse the return of products with visible signs of use, which have been washed or transformed in any way, which are deteriorated, damaged due to incorrect use, dirty, have residues of animal hair, residues of sweat or any other damage derived from external causes);
B. Our clients must also be careful when trying on the item(s) as we cannot accept those with any traces of make-up, sweat, body lotion, deodorant, perfume, stains, self-tanner etc.
D. The product(s) maintain(s) it’s/their original characteristics and labels intact;
E. The product(s) are complete. All material that accompanies the orders must be returned to Gonçalo Peixoto;
5. We, kindly, ask that our clients are careful with the brand box to not damage it (cracks/tears, writing, duct tape etc.). After your return, this same box can be reutilised when in perfect condition.